Friday, September 30, 2011

Chai time!!

Oh Hi!! Welcome to my blog -

Today and tomorrow I am participating in a "Link Love" event sponsored by Cabbing Rough, and online vendor of cabochons (lovely hand cut cabochons by the way.) So I just wanted to welcome you all to my blog. Here I post on such things as my jewelry, fashion trends, events coming up and occasionally just on things that are on my mind as a wife, mom, artist, music lover, physical therapist - anything really that I find interesting. My hope is that you may find something on my blog interesting and subscribe. My real hope is that you feel a need to post and discuss and that I can get to know some new people through this fascinating medium.

If you have a blog - feel free to post in the comments section - I'd like to follow you too. I follow a host of blogs on topics from fashion, art, adoption (I haven't but have friends that have), divorce (again, I haven't but I have friends that have), on being a woman (that I am), other people's jewelry, music, poetry - I've got a lot of interests. And if I'm not interested - maybe someone else checking out this blog for the first time IS. So comment below, post your blog and let's see who we can connect with today!

Much thanks to you for taking the time to check out my blog and for setting off on a new adventure each and every day.

I'm off to drink my chai and check out what people have to say!! - oh, and did I mention how much I love chai??? Anyone have a blog about that?

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